RAP, a cloud service, empowers application of advanced analytics and machine learning technologies to anticipate demand and predict stock movement, recommend products to customers based on expressed preferences, predict buying habits and suggest similar products.

How ZOKU RAP Works For You

Zoku Retail Analytics Platform aggregates all data in a SQL repository: cleaned, verified, and normalized, ready to be rendered as actionable real-time information in custom dashboards and web apps. BI algorithms processthis data for price optimization, stock anticipation, and other predictive functions.

RAP applies AI to model price elasticity, giving marketing and sales departments detailed insights into discounting and remarketing strategies for diverse audiences. It distinguishes buyers from non-buyers, recommends conversion techniques, and provides real-time, drill-down views of retail operations, both in the front of the store and back-office.

Optimize Your Retail Operations

  • Aggregate and integrate all data from diverse applications, channels, and formats — ERP/CRM, POS and ecommerce transactions, email campaigns, website analytics, social media, even weather
  • Powerful business intelligence algorithms are applied to this data center to visualize daily, weekly and seasonal patterns, geographic and demographic trends, consumer buying habits, and deliver data-driven insights
  • Analyze and visualize each aspect of retail operations to spot trends, understand why things are happening, and how things can run better. Optimize marketing campaigns, improve shopper experiences, and much more
  • Clean, normalize, and structure all data into a fast baccess, fast processing repository
  • Managers across the enterprise gain clear, granular, drill-down BI reports
  • Enable more effective in-store / online promotions based on traffic patterns and seasonal data
  • Analyze historical data to map consumer behavior, personalize marketing and optimize sales
  • Improve consumer satisfaction and boosts check-outs by predicting preferences and upselling
  • Streamline operations with inventory tracking, logistics data, and demand forecasting


A Real-Time and Always-Updated Drill-Down Snapshot of Your Entire Retail Operation

All retail-relevant data and analytics are aggregated and integrated in a unified repository for a unified, comprehensive, contextual view of products, customers and all business activities

  • All business data: ERP, CRM, HR, POS, IoT, Ecommerce, website, social media….
  • Any relevant 3rd party data: geographic, economic, traffic, demographic, weather….

Analytical tools to explore and explicate business-critical events and transaction trends

  • Increase profit potential by understanding historical sales and demand patterns
  • Example: if sales for a location are decreasing, managers and data analysts alike can visually explore and investigate factors such as: unemployment rate of that area, gas prices for the relevant period, marketing efforts, staff turnover, inventory management to account for the sales decrease. Rich data allows analysts to dig deeper into data

Improved visibility of data analysts and management into an enriched and unified dataset

  • Drill down and analyze the data in more detail
  • Track performance across departments, stores and locations
  • Slice and filter the data according to your needs
  • Visualize seasonality, trends, and patterns
  • Render data and reports elegantly in dashboards and web apps

Applied analytics to optimize supply chain and logistics performance

  • Anticipate how many items of which product for which location will be needed when
  • Negotiate better contracts with suppliers
  • Cut distribution costs by organizing and packaging stock more efficiently
  • Offer discounts and sales to move unsold stock

Powerful Business Intelligence Algorithms Mine Historical Data to Optimize Future Outcomes

Enterprise-wide data and report-sharing customized for all stakeholders/team members

  • Senior executives have customizable dashboards visualizing KPIs, problem points, shopping trends, logistical bottlenecks, each tuned to their specific focus and interests
  • Regional managers see data focused on their region, but also compare performance with other regions or see relevant global information as needed
  • Store and ecommerce managers see exactly the reports and data relevant to their roles
  • Managers can create ad hoc incentive programs to track employee / team performance

BI Tools to increase margins by optimizing profitable pricing strategies over product life cycles

  • Unlocks the potential of combining historical transaction data with real-time information
  • Analyzes and improves pricing structures and configurations of full product portfolio
  • Provides insights into unperceived patterns related to price elasticity and demand factors

Integrated POS and ecommerce data to optimize online and in-store shopping behavior

  • Prepare stores before shoppers walk in and arrange sites before visitors start browsing
  • Ensure inventory is updated so displays reflect stock and shoppers are not disappointed
  • Make the most of active shopping carts to add items, cross-sell, and up-sell
  • Suggest products to add to shopping carts, or recall products considered and abandoned
  • Track abandoned carts and understand factors affecting visitors who didn’t buy

Cutting-edge BI, machine learning and analytical tools anticipate and explicate trends

  • Leverage historical data to predict and classify business-critical metrics and KPIs.
  •  Automate processes to project and improve sales by location and department
  • Place best-sellers front-and-center, both in-store and on the ecommerce site
  • Create best-selling product assortments and combinations
  • Make pricing decisions tuned to resonate with specific customer segments
  • Know when and where to offer coupons, product discounts, shipping deals
  • Gain a comprehensive view of revenues generated from products and transaction points
  • Model effects on product profitability of redesigning associated processes

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